جزء صغير يمثل مشهد رقص لخلان ديونيزوس : سواتير و باكنتا و الى جانبهما طاووس. القرن الثالث الميلادي. دار سيلان. Petit fragment de mosaïque représentant les concubines de Dionysos, Satyres, Baccante et Pan un paon exécutant un pas de danse. III è.s.ap.J.C Maison du Silène Small Fragment of mosaic representing Satyrs, Bachanta and
Special Projects
El Jem Museum and the Virtual Experience Company Explore New Digital Technologies in the Heritage Sector
from left to right: El Jem Museum's director Hager Krimi in conversation with drone pilot Adam Stanford, Virtual Experience Company CEO Mike Gogan and Marius Strohschneider from corncutter.games. The team of El Jem Museum supports the UK based Virtual Experience Company in a fascinating, experimental project. The project explores the application of new, digital technologies.